Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The Journey

So how do you create a book that features photos of women, along with their weight?
Our craigslist ad said it all:

"Two females in search of approximately 25 women to take part in a photography project that will culminate in an ebook. Ideally, we would like to work with women of all ages, backgrounds, and sizes. Fully clothed, all very tastefully done, but you must be willing to reveal your weight. The guiding force behind our project is to de-stigmatize that number that is our weight; we're glad to discuss the project further and direct your toward our blog, where you can read more about it."

We didn't know what to expect, but we hoped and prayed that we would get responses. It is such a hard thing to gauge, though - we were asking women we didn't know yet to expose themselves in a way that they were not used to. But also running in the "gigs" section was an ad looking for "models that put out". We thought we stood a slightly better chance than that guy.

For a couple of days, nothing but tumbleweeds rolled through in my inbox. Then a response. Hallelujah! And another! And another! They rolled in slowly, about one a day for a week or so; enough for us to actually be able to schedule a shoot.
"I'm very interested in your project", they read. Interested!! In our project!! We couldn't wait to meet them.
(to be continued...)


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